amount - Over the past year, there has been a 15% increase in the ... of daily exercise among adults., aspect - Significant improvement has been observed in the ... of mental health, with a 20% decrease in reported stress levels., incidence - Due to improved healthcare initiatives, the .... of heart disease has declined by 12%., level - Urban areas exhibit a 30% higher .... of physical activity compared to rural regions., number - The ..... of individuals participating in yoga and meditation has doubled in the last six months., proportion - The .... of children consuming sugary beverages has dropped by 25% following a public health campaign., quantity - The ..... of fresh fruits and vegetables consumed per capita has risen by 18% since last year., rate - The .... of smoking among teenagers has decreased to an all-time low of 5%., type - The .... of most commonly diagnosed cancer has shifted from lung to breast cancer in the last decade., amount - The ..... of healthcare expenditure per person has increased by 8% due to rising medical costs., aspect - with a 50% increase in telemedicine usage, the ...... of digital health has become more prominent,., incidence - The .... of obesity has experienced a steady decline, showing a drop of 7% in the last five years., rates - Improved awareness about vaccination has led to a 15% increase in immunization .... among the population., number - More individuals are engaging in regular physical activity, with the ..... of active people reaching an all-time high., proportion - The ...... of university students with access to mental health resources has grown by 20%., quantity - The .... of processed foods consumed has decreased by 10% as people opt for healthier options., rate - Through improved public health campaigns, the ..... of preventable diseases has reduced by 25%., type - Over the past decade, older adults have shifted their preferred ...... of exercise from walking to swimming., amount - Sleep education programs have contributed to a 30% decrease in the ...... of sleep deprivation among students., aspect - With a 40% increase in fitness tracker usage the ........... of health technology adoption saw a surge.,
Anagram (HW) Complete IELTS 6.5 Unit 3 - Graphs vocab
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