My brother has a new job. He works ________ the evening., We’re going to have a picnic ________ Saturday afternoon. Would you like to come?, I’ll finish my work ________ an hour. Then, I can go home., When is the meeting? Is it ________ 2:00?, I like to get up really early, ________ sunrise, when the birds start to sing., Tom’s birthday is next week, ________ January 14., My grandfather was born ________ the 1950s., My family and I like to ski ________ winter., Will we be ________ time, or will we miss our flight?, Are there any holidays ________ October?, Our school cafeteria opens for lunch ________ noon., What time does your son go to bed ________ night?, We moved to this city ________ 2012., Are you going to do anything special ________ your birthday?, I’m not going to watch that TV show. It starts ________ midnight!, I was born _________________ the Great War ended., I was born two minutes __________ my twin brother., I was born _________ exactly 2am., I was born __________ 1982., I was born ________ July 4th, 1982..

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