1) The team had their initial ideas ______ during the brainstorming session. a) discuss b) discussing c) discussed d) discusses 2) The company made a user experience expert ______ its website interface. a) optimize b) optimizing c) optimized d) optimizes 3) The designers had the prototypes ______ to gather user feedback. a) test b) testing c) tested d) tests 4) She had the color scheme of the brochure ______ to create a more vibrant look. a) adjust b) adjusting c) adjusted d) adjusts 5) The team had the customer journey map ______ to identify pain points. a) analyze b) analyzing c) analyzed d) analyzes 6) The company had its packaging design ______ for sustainability. a) reevaluate b) reevaluating c) reevaluated d) reevaluates 7) They had their user interface ______ to make it more intuitive. a) refine b) refining c) refined d) refines 8) The team had the product concept ______ to align with market trends. a) evolve b) evolving c) evolved d) evolves 9) The designers had the layout of the app ______ for better usability. a) modify b) modifying c) modified d) modifies 10) He got his colleagues ______ his design sketches to get diverse perspectives. a) review b) reviewing c) reviewed d) reviews e) to review

Causative C2

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