fanfare - a showy display or celebration, often with music and cheering, unruly - difficult to control or discipline; disobedient or disruptive, conundrums - confusing and difficult problems or questions that are hard to solve, murmured - spoke in a low voice that is difficult to hear clearly, intrepid - showing courage and fearlessness in the face of danger or difficulty, clad - dressed or clothed in a particular way, qualms - feelings of doubt, uncertainty, or unease about something, exclaimed - cried out suddenly, usually in surprise or excitement, intermittent - occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady, pleaded - made an emotional appeal or request for help or mercy, amidst - in the middle of; surrounded by, combed - searched through thoroughly and systematically, sighed - breathed out audibly, often as an expression of sadness, tiredness, or relief, adamant - refusing to be persuaded or change one's mind; unyielding, embarked - to begin a journey, especially by boarding a ship or aircraft, perilous - full of danger or risk; hazardous, fickle - changing frequently and unpredictably, especially in loyalty or affection,

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