Music, Film, Current affairs, Computers, TV, Netflix / Disney +, Travel, Favourite .... , Science, Wonder, Dirty talk, Cars, Sport, Future self / ambitions, Top tip, Joke, Black lives matter, Beliefs, Game shows, Childhood memory, Important topic / thing that's personal , Hobby, Drink (alcohol or otherwise), Bad point in life, Fear(s), What you would spend £1,000,000 on.., Word you use a lot.. , Skill you would choose to learn.. (you already dont know), Food, Daring thing you would attempt / excel at doing.., Personality, Animals, Pet, Robot, Art, Country, Cosmos, Boring thing, Bad idea, Good idea, Things to hate, School experience, University experience, April fool, Celebrity, Holiday, Saying / idiom / anecdote , Laughed at something which was.., Profession (in or desire or admire).., Murder is...

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