Hearing - is physical ability to detect sounds, Listening - will concentrate on the verbal and nonverbal messages  being sent and to determine the meaning, Cover letters - accompany your résumé and serve to introduce you as a potential employee, Cultural Rituals - are practices, behaviors, celebrations,and traditions common to people and organizations, Cultural Competence - is the level of knowledge a person has about other cultures, Discrimination - is the act of excluding or denying people based on their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability, Professional etiquette - is practicing the behaviors of social etiquette or good manners in a professional setting., Flight - occurs when you choose not to engage or deal with a conflict, Fight - is engaging in some type of confrontation, Team - members share leadership responsibility for creating a team identity, achieving mutually defined goals, and fostering innovative, Coercive Power - refers to the ability to control another person’s behavior with negative reinforcement, Expert Power - based on one’s superior expertise in a specific field, Theory X - Because most employees dislike work, they must be controlled, directed, and threatened so they will perform their job duties, Theory Y - The average employee is motivated by achieving goals, Persuasive Speech - is trying to persuade the audience either simply to agree or disagree with an ide,

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