1) Which phrase or word indicates the present tense in Māori? a) Kua b) Kei te c) Ka d) I 2) Which phrase or word indicates the completed past tense in Māori? a) Ka b) Kei te c) Kua d) I 3) Which phrase or word indicates the recent past in Māori? a) kei te b) ka c) Kua d) I 4) Which phrase or word indicates the future tense in Māori? a) Ka b) I c) Kua d) Kei te 5) Which is the negative structure for present tense? a) Kāore anō (actor) kia (action) b) Kāore (actor) i (action) c) Kāore (actor) i te (action) d) Kāore (actor) e (action) 6) Which is the negative structure for the completed past tense? a) Kāore (actor) e (action) b) Kāore (actor) i te (action) c) Kāore anō (actor) kia (action) d) Kāore (actor) i (action) 7) Which is the negative structure for the recent past tense? a) Kāore (actor) i (action) b) Kāore anō (actor) kia (action) c) Kāore (actor) i te (action) d) Kāore (actor) e (action) 8) Which is the negative structure for the future tense? a) Kāore (actor) e (action) b) Kāore (actor) i (action) c) Kāore (actor) i te (action) d) Kāore anō (actor) kia (action) 9) In a positive sentence with a tense, which comes first in the sentence- the actor or action? a) action b) actor 10) In a negative sentence with a tense, which comes first in the sentence- the actor or action? a) action b) actor

Māori tenses and negation


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