In supermarkets products are displayed on the... - SHELVES, Remember to take a ... to carry your groceries inside the supermarket.  - TROLLEY/CART/BASKET, You pay at the ... before you leave. - CHECKOUT, Where can I find .... bread? At the bakery. - FRESH, Some .... at the checkout may get really slow. - QUEUES / LINES, Products with discount are called... - SPECIAL OFFERS, If your food expires, you.... - THROW IT AWAY, A big place with lots of shops inside is called a... - MALL / SHOPPING CENTRE, In case you don't like this product, you can ask for a... - REFUND, A .... is a place where you can find food, handcrafts and clothes. - STREET MARKET, Instead of shops, a market is divided into... - STALLS, When the vendor and the costumer debate over the price of a product it's called... - HAGGLING,

More shopping vocabulary - Preintermediate

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