a company makes or sells things, and then people pay the company for those things - company, cars, lorries, and boats need fuel to work - fuel, you have an accident, and then your body hurts - hurt, when you have something wrong with your body, and you are not very well - illness, a bike that has three wheels - tricycle, a bike has two wheels. A tricycle has three wheels. - wheel, jar, not living - dead, very happy because something good is going to happen - excited, out of a place and into the street - outside, A shock is when you are not happy and not well because something very bad happened - shock, a principal - headmaster, your nose tells you how something smells - smelled, Tobacco is a plant. People put tobacco in a pipe and smoke it. - tobacco, cane, Your bottom is a part of your body. You sit on your bottom. - bottom, Air is everywhere, but you cannot see it. It goes into your nose and mouth. - air, to take air into your body through your nose and mouth - breathed, to hurt a lot; very hot - on fire,

Vocabulary for BOY by Roald Dahl

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