What day of the month is halloween?, How is halloween celebrated in your country?, Do you believe in ghosts?, What makes you afraid of ghosts?, What kind of costume are you going to wear to the halloween party?, Why do you like to celebrate Halloween?, Do you believe in magic?, Do you think there are really witches and monsters and creatures living amongst us in the real world, or are those things just from our imagination?, If you could choose to be any monster or creature, what would it be?, What is your favorite character in a book?, What is your favorite character in a movie?, If you could use a magical spell, like a love spell, on somebody, would you?, Can you describe the best costume you've seen., Are you going to have an Halloween party?, Do you think Halloween is dangerous?, Do you think it is appropriate to celebrate it still today?, What is your favorite horror movie?, How do you say fantasma in english?, What do you do on halloween evening?, Do you like to go to halloween parties?.

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