a small, shallow body of water, typically one formed naturally. - pool, a hard hat worn to protect the head from injury - helmet, boots with metal blades attached to the bottom, used for skating on ice - skates, a flat piece of wood or other material used for a particular purpose, such as writing or cutting food or doing sport - board, a large flat surface, often artificially created, for skating or rollerblading - rink, a long pole with a flat blade at one end, used for rowing a boat - oar, protective eyewear that covers the eyes and forms a seal around them to protect against hazards - goggles, a ski run or track prepared for skiing - piste, protective equipment worn on various parts of the body, such as knees or elbows, to cushion against impact - pads, used to hit a ball or shuttlecock in games such as tennis or badminton - racket, a long, thin object used for hitting or striking something - stick, an area marked out for ball games such as tennis or basketball - court, an area of ground marked out or used for playing a game, especially football - pitch,

Interactive 4 unit 2 vocabulary

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