He lived in ____ after spending all his savings. The medicine gave him a ____ after the injury. Wash your hands so you don't ____ to sickness. After two weeks, they got ____ to the new coach. The boat got caught in an ____ and was pulled away from the other boats. The photo of you doing that could ____ your reputation. He has an ____ ability to throw the football far. The players became ____ when the new coach made them run 15 laps. The lake ____ with bass so we caught a lot. To ____ means to overflow. ____ is extreme poverty. A ____ is a short rest from something. To ____ is to give in to. ____ means born with, natural. To become ____ to something means to grow used to it. ____ means easily irritated. An ____ is a current moving against the main current, like a whirlpool. To ____ is to soil or ruin. Succumb, ____, sully, and ____ all verbs because they are ____ and you can put the word "to" before them. ____ are adjectives because you can put a person or thing directly after them and they ____ that person or thing. ____, eddy, and ____ are all nouns because they are all ____ and you can put the words ____ directly in front of them.

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