Henpecked - A man controlled by and a little frightened of his wife., Copycat - Someone who has few ideas of their own and does or says exactly the same as someone else, Batty - Silly and slightly crazy, Antsy - Very nervous, worried, or unpleasantly excited, Fishy - Seeming dishonest or false, Jackass - A stupid person, To give sb the bird - Putting your middle finger up at someone to show that you are angry , Bullshit - Complete nonsense o something that is not true, Scaredy cat - Someone, especially a child, who is easily frightened, Holy cow! - We say this to show that you think something is surprising, shocking, or impressive, Foxy - Sexually attractive, To wolf (down) - To eat a large amount of food very quickly, Open a can of worms - A situation that causes a lot of problems for you when you start to deal with it,

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