He is certain to be late because he cannot find his keys / He is bound to be late because he cannot find his keys. - Он обязательно (наверняка) опоздает, потому что не может найти ключи., He’s going to meet his friends at the train station / He’s about to meet his friends at the train station. - Он собирается встретить друзей на железнодорожном вокзале., The train is expected to leave at 4:10 p.m. / The train is supposed to leave at 4:10 p.m.  - Поезд должен отправиться в 4.10., His friends are certain to be mad if he misses the train / His friends are sure to be mad if he misses the train. - Его друзья обязательно (наверняка, точно) рассердятся, если он опоздает на поезд., When he got there, he was made to go to another platform / When he got there, he was forced to go to another platform. - Когда он добрался, ему пришлось (он был вынужден) идти на другую платформу., When I get home her things are certain to be left all over the place again / When I get home her things are sure to be left all over the place again. - Когда я прихожу домой, её вещи наверняка снова разбросаны по всей квартире., When I was young, my mother had to pick up the toys we left all over the place / When I was young, my mother was forced to pick up the toys we left all over the place. - Когда я был маленький, моей маме приходилось подбирать игрушки, которые мы разбросали по всей квартире., She looked as if she was going to cry / She looked as if she was about to cry. - Она выглядела так, как-будто собирается (вот-вот) заплачет., Tickets are expected to be expensive / Tickets are likely to be expensive. - Билеты скорее всего будут дорогими, You can't ride bicycles on a motorway / You are not allowed to ride bicycles on a motorway. - Нельзя (не разрешается) ездить на велосипеде по автотрассе., They were allowed to stay in the country / They were permitted to stay in the country. - Им разрешили остаться в стране., You were expected to be here an hour ago! / You were supposed to be here an hour ago! - Ты должен был быть здесь еще час назад!,

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