They claim ______ (lose) our contact details, that's why they didn't get in touch., He seems ______ (wait) for a long time before we arrived., This man is known ______ (do) quite a lot of things for people in need in the past., She pretented ______ (forget) his colleaugue's request, so she didn't do it., I would prefer ______ (stay) at the beach during the holiday, but we went hiking all the time., They should ______ (tell) us about the dangers, but they never did., We should ______ (be/tell) about the dangers, but we were kept in the dark., I can't see our car - someone must ______ (move) it., I can't see our car - it must ______ (be/move) by someone., He looks irritated. You seem _______ (annoy) him., He looks irritated. He seems _______ (be/annoy) by you., Those employees seem excited. They must _______ (receive) a pay rise., It feels nice _______ (finish) work. It's taken me 8 hours to do it!, I am happy _______ (leave) school a long time ago., Oh, you've cooked dinner! You needn't _______ (do) it. I've brought take-away., Where are my newspapers? - Our grandpa seems _______ (throw) them away., Where are my newspapers? - They seem _______ (be/throw) away by our grandpa., They must ______ (offer) him a ton of benefits and perks, otherwise he wouldn't be working here., He must ______ (be/offer) a ton of benefits and perks by them, otherwise he wouldn't be working here., By the time I'm forty I hope _______ (start) a family..

Perfect Infinitive speaking cards

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