dissolve - when a solid dissolves in a liquid, the solid breaks apart into particles too small to see and mixes completely in the liquid, soluble - describes a material that can dissolve in another substance, insoluble - describes a material that does not dissolve in something else, mixture - a blend of two or more substances, substance - made of one type of material throughout, property - a characteristic of a substance that does not change, chemical reaction - when new substances are produced from one or more old substances some of the particles that make up the original substances break apart and/or join together to make different types of particles, atoms - really small particles that can't be divided or destroyed in chemical reactions or phase changes, flammability - how a substance interacts with fire, density - how much matter is in a certain space, molecule - made of two or more atoms, criteria - what our design needs to be successful, constraints - what our design cannot or should not do, exothermic reaction - a chemical reaction that gives off heat to the surroundings, endothermic reaction - a chemical reaction that takes in heat from the surroundings,

Chemical Reactions and Matter


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