Ignatius Layola helped lead the... by sending missionaries throughout Europe teaching Catholicism. - Counter Reformation, To halt the spread of Protestantism, a..., or a church court that judges, convicts, and punishes non-Catholics, was formed. - inquisition, The... is a series of logical steps used in scientific research that stresses observation and experimentation. - scientific method, ...supported Copernicus’ idea that the sun was the center of the universe but was persecuted by the Catholic Church for his beliefs. - Galileo, ...discovered the concept of gravity. - Isaac Newton, The development of the... by Robert Hooke helped develop new scientific theories. - compound microscope, ...among Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas brought about many cultural changes on each continent. - Trade, The art of map making is called... - cartography, A movement in Europe and America that analyzed ideas using human reason is the... - Age of Enlightenment, ...of England advocated democratic thought by writing that government was a contract between the people and their ruler. - John Locke, A... is a government whose head of state is not a monarch. - republic, An attitude that is concerned with values and achievements of humans is referred to as - humanism, As an artist and scientist,... is considered one the greatest figures of the Renaissance time period - Leonardo da Vinci, was a reformation movement led by John Calvin that taught predestination. - Calvinism, Protesters of the Catholic Church came to be known as... - Protestants, A German monk named... - Martin Luther, A certificate issued by the pope that reduced or canceled punishment for a person’s sins is an... - indulgence, During the Renaissance, spiritual life was still valued but - secular, An artistic style that shows people and nature as they really were is called - Realism, The movable type printing press perfected by... allowed books to become more readily available - Johannes Gutenberg,

Facts Cards 81-100

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