R v. Franklin  - The unlawful act must be criminal , R v. Lowe - The unlawful act cannot be an omission , R v. Lamb - If there is no unlawful act, D cannot be charged with UAM , R v. Cato - Even if V consents to the unlawful act, D will still be liable, R v. Church - Would a sober and reasonable person foresee the risk of some physical harm from D's act? , R v. Newbury and Jones - It is irrelevant what D intends or can foresee, R v. JM and SM - The exact type of harm does not need to be foreseeable as long as some physical harm is. , R v. Watson - If D becomes aware that V is vulnerable and frail, then the RM may foresee some physical harm , R v. Mitchell - If a third party's actions are RF then it will not break the chain , R v. Lewis - If V's attempt to escape is reasonably foreseeable, then it will not break the chain of causation , R v. Rogers - If D's part in the unlawful act is a significant contribution, then chain of causation will not be broken by V's actions,

UAM Case Ratio Match Up


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