What are start-ups?, Create a sentence with the verb "realize"., Do you agree that word of mouth is still an effective form of advertising? How come?, What's a good synonym for "awareness"?, Create a sentence with the expression "there's no point"., Have you ever used a tongue brush? Did you like it or would you like to?, What different ranges do marketing teams consider when they prepare an advertising campaign?, What's a good synonym for "increase", What can a person do to boost their linkedIn profile?, What are cartoon channels target audience?, Create a sentence with the expression "sold"., Is there a difference between "view" and "viewings"? Tell me about it., When do you need to take a deep breath? , Create a sentence with the expression "reach"., Which one is correct: gain of - gain from - gain about?, What kind of employee adds value to your work team?.

BR/PI - Unit 9 - Selling: Advertising VOCABULARY

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