Could you please ______ ______ ______-______after dinner tonight? - do the washing-up, My mother doesn't often _____dinner. We eat out. - make, I usually ____ a ____ ______ before heading to the supermarket. - make a shopping list, My aunt is great at _______ chocolate cookies. - making, Every morning, I _____ _______ ______ before having a shower. - make the bed, Every Sunday afternoon, my mom likes to ______ _____ ______ to make sure our clothes look neat for the week. - do the ironing, After doing the _______, I hang the clothes on the line to dry in the sun. - washing, I want you to ______ the table before our guests arrive. - lay, My room mate always forgets to ____ ____ the dirty clothes.The room is messy. I need to _____ my room.   - pick up/ tidy, My father ____ _____ ____ _____ from the kitchen, it's starting to smell - takes out the rubbish, Please______ ______ your clothes in the drawers - put away, I spilled some coffee in the kitchen; can you c____ the floor? - clean,


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