Healthy cuticle - Loose and pliable, Lunula - Located at the base of the nail, Smooth nail consistency - Roll bottle between hands, Redox reaction - Involves oxidation and reducing, Spore-killing decontamination procedure - Sterlization, Strand test - Color procedure progress test, Acne disorder affects - Oil/sebaceous glands, QUATS mixing - According to manufacturer's instructions, Protection for finished nail color - Top coat, Bowl of acetone - Acrylic nail removal, Blunt cutting - Zero degree, Cataphoresis polarity on client's face - Positive/ANOD, Heat temperature for curling-resistant hair - High, The most common wig for men - Toupee, Cancellation of unwanted reddish tones - Green, Bonding agent for loose hair fiber - Fusion, Oil or creme ligtener application - On the scalp, Porosity equalization - Fillers, Retouch color service application - From scalp to the line of demarcation, Manicure with heated electric units - Oil/spa, Hair melanin location - Cortex, Medulla location in hair - Cortex, Complimentary colors on the color wheel - Across from each other, Facial movement of stoking - Effleurage, Onychophagy definition - Bitten nails, Peptide bonds join together - Amino acids, Dircection for tweezing hairs - Same direction as growth, Face shape with wide forehead and narrow jaw - Heart, Lip color application tool - Disinfected brush, pH of shampoo for healthy hair - 4.5-5.5, pH determines - Acidity and alkalinity, Finger waves and flat pin curls technique - Skip waves, Recommendation for Alpecia Areata - A wig, Skin system - Integumentary, Molecule composition - Two or more atoms joined together, Facial massage direction - Insertion to origin, Bonds broken when hair is wet and dried - Hydrogen bonds, Procedure after a scalp treatment - Shampoo/blow-dry, Client information sheet requirement - Color procedure, Nutrient absorption location in the body - Small intestine, Study of muscles - Myology, Sebaceous glands location in the skin - Dermis, Chemical straightening procedure requiring base cream - Sodium hydroxide, Number of skin layers - 3, Neutral pH on the scale - 7, Hydrogen peroxide alternative name - Developer, French manicure definition - White polish on the free edge, Artery carries de-oxygenated blood from the heart - Pulmonary, Number of tissue types in the human ody - 5, Curl reformation procedure new diameter - 2 times larger than original size, Number of chambers in the heart - 3, Vessek between the heart and lungs - Pulmonary artery, A disease-carrying person with no systoms - Asymptomatic carrier, Neutralizer function - Re-bonds, Corkscrew-shaped bacteria - Spirilla, Bones affected by scalp massage - 8, Muscles covering the nose - Procerus, Tinea pedis - Athlete's foot or fungus of the foot, Sudden hair loss in spots - Alopecia Areata, Thinning and tapering process with shears - Slithering, Muscles controlling the hand and wrist - Lower arm, Uniform haircut angle - 90 degrees, Pincurl placement for maximum volume - On base or no stem, Helpful bacteria not producing disease - Nonpathogenic (saprophytes), Furuncle definition - Bacteria infection of the hair follicle (boil), Water type for maximum shampoo lather - Soft water, Diameter of a single strand of hair - Texture, Product recommendation timing - During service, Frequency of alternating current - Alternating current, Redox reaction components - Oxidation and reduction, Perimeter location in haircutting - At the outer edges, Instrument to avoid when cutting overly curly hair - Razor, Hair condition for electric clipper use - Dry, Purpose of thinning shear use - Decrease bulk, Haircut for height appearance - Close at the nape and high at the crown, Hair removal in one stroke with a razor cut - The angle of the razor, Telogen stage percentage in the scalp's hair - 10%, Stretch ability of wet hair without breaking - 40-50%, Technical term for hair loss - Alopecia, Exfoliating cream pH - Alkaline, Permanent hair changes location - Cortex, Hair strength - Tensile, Hair found in the head - Capili, Amphoteric product ability - React to an acid or alkaline, Midshaft hair layers responsible for the diameter - Cortex and medulla, Effect of a neutralizer, fixative, or stabilizer on hair - Softening and swelling, Disulfide relaxer effect on hair - Acidic pH, The concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution - pH, Thinnest layer of the skin location - Eyelids, Fastest chemical reaction for relaxing overly curly hair - Sodium hydroxide, Tight, firm curl creation - On base curls, Common disinfectants in the salon - Chemicals, Electrical appliance disinfection - Unplug, spray with EPA-approved disinfectant, Sharp object disposal - In a puncture-proff sealed container, Ultra-violet ray's alternative name - Actinic rays, Percentage of ultra-violet rays in the sun's total rays - 8%, Hair porosity with average processing time - Average porosity, Hair porosity with quick processing time - High porosity, Hair with average porosity reaction - Absorb product with ease and process moderately, The best base for barrel curls - Rectangular,

NJ Cosmetology State Board Test Set 1 100 questions

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