Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Josef Stalin, name of the revolutionary communist party - Bolsheviks, last Tsar of Russia - Nicholas II, Karl Marx, he wrote the Communist Manifesto, set out the ideas of Communism - Karl Marx, large network of prison camps in Soviet Union - Gulag, the secret/political police - Cheka, Communist army in the Civil War - Red Army, army who fought against the Bolsheviks in the Civil War - White Army, when the Tsar was overthrown - February 1917, when the Bolsheviks seized power - October 1917, What Karl Marx called religion - the opium of the people, What Stalin called wealthier peasants - Kulaks, Coal miner in the Donbass who was celebrated as a hero of socialist labour - Alexei Stakhanov, communist youth organisation - the Pioneers, what "Stalin" means - man of steel, Stalin was referred to in Soviet propaganda as the V_______ - Vohzd, Communist newspaper - Pravda, how Stalin rapidly industrialised the Soviet Union - 5 year plans, process of the state taking over private farms - collectivization, massive famine in Ukraine is known as the - Holodomor, how many died in the Holodomor - 4 million, when was the Holodomor - 1932-33, period of mass arrests and executions 1936-1939 - the Great Terror, impressive rail infrastructure built in Moscow - Moscow Underground, a canal built to connect Leningrad to Archangel - White Sea Canal, Stalin's idea that the USSR should concentrate on strengthening communism in USSR first, before trying to spread it elsewhere - socialism in one country, Trotsky's idea that communism would only succeed if it was spread to other countries - permanent revolution, when the first 5 year plan was introduced - 1928, when forced collectivization of agriculture began - 1927, name 3 senior Communist party figures who were executed after show trials - Bukharin, Kamenev, Zinoviev, true or false; communists viewed women as second class citizens - false, true or false; communists were racists - false, true or false; communists were atheists - true, where was Stalin from? - Georgia, when Lenin died - 1924, Stalin used his role as ______________________ of the Communist Party to amass power before and after Lenin's death - Secretary General, an agreement between Hitler and Stalin that carved up Poland between them - Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact of August 1939, Karl Marx called on the workers of the world to _____________ - unite, many of these were built to help the electrification of the Soviet Union  - hydro-electric dams, a major hydro-electric dam in Ukraine - Dnieper Dam, an industrial city in Southern Russia where there was a huge tractor factory, scene of major battle in WW2 - Stalingrad,

Communist Russia

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