1. Having an unpleasant or repulsive appearance. - Nasty looking, 2. Turn violently - Slew, 3. The repetition of a process or set of instructions. - Iteration, 4. To seamlessly integrate or merge with surroundings. - Blend into, 5.Having a smooth and elegant appearance. - Sleek, 6.To represent or depict in a specified way. - Render, 7.Excessive or insincere praise and compliments. - Flattery, 8.A person who strongly and fanatically supports a particular cause. - Diehard, 9.To be sufficient or meet a particular need. - Suffice, 10.To have a strong desire or craving for something. - Hanker, 11.To be concerned or bothered about something. - Be fussed with, 12.To be filled to the brim or the top edge of a container. - To brim, 13.The spirit or mood of a particular time period. - Zeitgeist, 14.Loose-fitting pants that taper towards the ankle. - Genie pants, 15.Soft, loosely knitted hats without a brim. - Floppy beanies, 16.Of the highest quality or excellence. - Top- notch, 17.Failing to meet expectations or excitement. - Underwhelming, 18.To express contempt or derision. - Scoff, 19.Authentic, real, and sincere. - Genuine, 20.A design where the body and chassis are a single piece. - Unibody, 21.A high or substantial cost. - Hefty price, 22.To pay a significant amount of money. - Fork out the cash, 23.Stuck or wedged tightly in a confined space. - Jammed, 24.A slight trace or hint of color or flavor. - Tinge, 25.To break into pieces, typically with a sudden and forceful impact. - Shatter, 26.To reach a conclusion based on available evidence or reasoning - Deduce, 27.To subtract or take away from a total. - Deduct, 28.High in rank or renowned, often in a specific field. - Eminent, 29.About to happen or occur very soon. - Imminent, 30.Primary or most important; a sum of money invested or lent. - Principal, 31.A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior. - Principle, 32.A device that detects or measures physical properties and records or indicates them. - Sensor, 33.To suppress or limit access to information deemed objectionable. - Censor, 34.To gradually wear away or deteriorate. - Erode, 35.To completely destroy or eliminate. - Eradicate, 36.the splitting of an atomic nucleus into two or more smaller nuclei. - Fission, 37.The process of combining two or more things to form a single entity. - Fusion, 38.innocent, naive, and unsuspecting. - Ingenuous, 39.Clever, inventive, and resourceful. - Ingenious, 40.No longer in use or outdated. - Obsolete, 41.Designed to be practical and useful rather than attractive. - Utilitarian, 42.Something innovative or pioneering, leading to new developments. - Groundbreaking, 43.Involving or causing a complete or dramatic change. - Revolutionary, 44.A person who grew up using digital technology from an early age - Digital native, 45.Software that manages computer hardware and provides services for computer programs. - Operating system, 46.Unauthorized access or violation of security protocols. - Security breach, 47.The simulation of human intelligence in machines programmed to think and learn - Artificial intelligence, 48.A software system that searches for information on the internet. - Search engine, 49.Easily and quickly accessible. - At your fingertips, 50.Outdated or not keeping up with current trends. - Behind the times, 51.According to all available information or reports. - By all accounts, 52.Not allowed or accessible. - Be off limits, 53.In the early stages of development or existence. - Be in its infancy, 54.To be in a situation that is too difficult to handle. - Be out of your depth, 55.To be accessible or attainable. - Be within reach, 56.Movement or discussion in both directions. - Back and forth, 57.in the reverse order or direction. - Back to front, 58.Unharmed or without injury. - Safe and sound, 59.Repeatedly or consistently. - Time after time, 60.Uncertain and risky. - Touch and go, 61.The damage that occurs with ordinary use. - Wear and tear,

Unit 2 English C2


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