accelerate - move or cause to move faster, advantage - something that is useful or helpful, capabilities - qualities or abilities, friction - force between objects that slows objects or stops them from moving, gravity - force between objects that pulls objects together, identity - who a person is, inquiry - search for information, thrilling - exciting, alter - to change, collapse - fall down, crisis - difficult or dangerous situat, destruction - great damage or ruin, hazard - source of danger, substantial - A great amount or a lot, severe - serious, unpredictable - unable to be announced ahead of, accountable - responsible, advise - to give an opinion, inform, desperately - in an intense, worried way, hesitated - paused, humiliated - made to feel ashamed, inspiration - something that inspires you or makes you feel motivated to do something, self-esteem - pride in oneself, uncomfortably - painfully, uneasily, gracious - showing kindness, stale - not fresh, flattened - made more smooth, frantically - to act wildly with worry, muttered - spoken quietly in an unclear way, official - proper, brainstorm - problem-solving often as a group, original - new or different, compassionate - sympathetic or to care about others, enterprise - a difficult or important project that a person plans or tries to do, exceptional - out of the ordinary, special, funds - money that is ready for use, innovative - new or done in a new or different way, process - a series of actions or steps that someone follows when making or doing something, routine - a fixed way or method of doing something, undertaking - a plan or project that someone decides to do or start,
Unit 1 ELA Vocabulary
Chia sẻ
Chỉnh sửa nội dung
Nhiều hơn
Bảng xếp hạng
Thẻ thông tin
là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.
Yêu cầu đăng nhập
Phong cách trực quan
Phông chữ
Yêu cầu đăng ký
Tùy chọn
Chuyển đổi mẫu
Hiển thị tất cả
Nhiều định dạng khác sẽ xuất hiện khi bạn phát hoạt động.
Mở kết quả
Sao chép liên kết
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