1) What's your favourite game of all time? 2) How would you describe your gaming prowess? 3) Can you think of any fundamental skills that are necessary for success in computer games? 4) Do you prefer single player or multiplayer games? 5) Have you ever been rendered speechless by the graphics and splendour of a game? 6) Have you ever tried different permutations of strategies while playing a game? 7) Do you find that you thrive under pressure while playing competitive games? 8) What is the best game you've played this year? 9) What's a game you thought you'd like but actually hated? 10) What's a really popular game everyone seems to love but you don't like? 11) What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking? 12) What game have you spent the greatest number of hours on? 13) Would you rather have loads of time to play games but only be able to buy two games a year, or be able to buy loads of games but never have much time to play them? 14) If you had to live in the world of the last game you played, what world would it be? 15) Have you ever had a crush on a video game character? 16) What was the first game you ever remember playing? 17) Have you ever pretended to be ill to get out of something so you could play a game? 18) What game did you last complete? 19) What game are you playing right now? 20) What game do you want to play next? 21) In your opinion, what is the best games console? 22) Are PC gamers really superior to console players? 23) What's your opinion on Fortnite? 24) What's your opinion on League of legends? 25) Have you ever watched a Twitch stream? 26) Have you ever streamed yourself on Twitch or YouTube? 27) Have you ever used a walkthrough? 28) What's the best weapon you've ever used in a game? 29) Have you ever had to stop playing a game because it was too scary? 30) Has a game's storyline ever made you cry? 31) What's your favourite fighting class: warrior, magic, or rogue? 32) What's your favourite game genre? 33) Do you prefer multiplayer games or to go solo? 34) Do you prefer co-op or player vs player? 35) What is the first console you ever owned? 36) What or who got you into video games in the first place? 37) What is the longest amount of time you have sat playing games non-stop? 38) If video games didn't exist any-more, what would you do? 39) What is your favourite song from a game? 40) Have you ever wanted to live in a world from a game? 41) Which video game character do you most wish you were like? 42) What's a game you've spent the most amount of money on? 43) If you could have one power of any video game character, who would it be? 44) What are you hoping for at the next E3? 45) Who is your favourite villain from a video game and why? 46) What is your favourite game from your childhood? 47) Are there any games you're really bad at? 48) Have you ever seen somebody get really angry when they lose? 49) What's your favourite game series of all time? 50) What's more important: action or story? 51) Is there a game that is considered to be really bad but is your secret guilty pleasure? 52) If you could have any video game character as your best friend, who would it be? 53) In your opinion, what is the worst game of all time that you've played? 54) Would you give up video games for life and receive £500,000 in cash, or would you refuse the money? 55) What game would you like to see next year?

Game of the year conversation questions

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