1. Travelling at high ____ can be difficult for some people. 2. ____ to our destination, we stopped at several scenic spots. 3. The ____ in our travel plans caused us to miss our connecting flight. 4. We will ____ from the airport at 6 pm sharp. 5. The signalling ____ delayed our train by several hours. 6. The ____ in the train schedule caused a lot of chaos at the station. 7. The overhead ____ was too small to fit my carry-on luggage. 8. We had to switch train ____ midway through our journey. 9. Our trip will ____ at the final destination. 10. The ____ exit of the plane was blocked, causing a delay in disembarking. 11. We arrived at the airport ____ two hours before our flight. 12. It took us a while to ____ our hotel in the unfamiliar city. 13. After checking in, we ____ to explore the city on foot.

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