1) ……………………… are Groups of devices or things that are connected to each other for a common purpose. a) Explores   b) Networks c) computers d) keyboard 2) ……………………………….performs complex tasks that simulate the thinking and performance of the human element . a) VR   b) AI c) AR d) ICI 3) ………………. feel futuristic, but they are already being used in education and everyday life. a) Augmented reality   b) Virtual reality   c) Artificial intelligence d) All of them 4) …………………………………. Combines the real world with a virtual world by adding images using computers . a) Augmented reality   b) VR   c) Artificial intelligence d) Both (a) and (b) 5) ………...……..….……… is a virtual 3-D environment that allows users to explore and interact with the surroundings, as if it were reality. a) RV   b) AR c) VR d) AI 6) ……………………………..is the newest and most advanced version of a service or product a) Augmented reality   b)  Cutting –edge technology c) Artificial intelligences d) dAssistive technology 7) Smart gloves that empower deaf people to translate their signs in real time to spoken or text output considered …………………………………… . a) Augmented reality   b) Cutting –edge technology   c) Assistive technology d) Artificial intelligences 8) A/An ……….…………………… is the software that manages computer’s function. a) Operating system   b) Windows explorer   c) e- Readers d) Google chrome 9) ………………………….. is open-source software used for building robot applications. a) ROS   b) RES c) ORS d) OCR 10) ………………………………. Is the standard programming language used to create web pages . a) ≪=img src <   b) MacOS c) OSs d) HTML 11) The HTML tag > h2< …...> /h2< refers to ……………….……………… . a) Largest heading   b) Create a paragraph   c) Smaller subheading d) Subheading 12) the function of > a< ……> /a< is ………………………..……… . a) Create hyperlink   b) Change text to underline   c) Change text to bold d) Change text to italic 13) There are several disadvantages of electronic games like ……………………………….. a) Physical dangers   b) Psychological dangers   c) Security dangers d) All of them 14) Hackers can causes your information to be leaked and ………………………. Are easily spread. a) Viruses   b) Games c) Data d) none of them 15) When creating password, You should use …………………………….. a) Random letters  b) Random numbers   c) Symbols d) all of them 16) ……………………………… are ways of multi factor Authentication a) Password   b) Pins c) Security codes d) all of them 17) ………………………………….. are examples of cyber security. a) Using strong password   b) Verifying information , you find   c) Verifying the websites d) all of them 18) ………………………………… is the greatest cyber security threat. a) Spoofing   b) Malware c) scareware d) none of them 19) Copyright includes written, ……………………………… material . a) Visual  b) Audio c) Video d) all of them 20) Smart …………………………. Will research multiple companies deciding which company to invest in . a) Investors   b) Players c) Teacher’s d) doctors 21) ……………………….…….. is the on-demand storing and accessing of data programs via remote servers on the interment. a) Cloud computing   b) Phishing c) Remote reserves d) Downloading 22) the advantages of cloud computing are …………………………… . a) Frees up space on your devices  b) Allows you to log in and access your files from multiple devices   c) Both (a) and (b) d) you can work in your files without internet 23) …………………………….. are the popular software that deals with cloud computing applications. a) Microsoft 365tm   b) Google workspace   c) Both (a) and (b) d) none of them 24) ……………………………..allows you to store, share, and access files from any device . a) OneDrive   b) word c) Excel d) PowerPoint 25) To save a file in OneDrive, select ……………………………. Then save a copy. a) File menu   b) Edit menu c) View menu d) help menu 26) ………………………………. Helps people of determination, for example, screen magnification software and hearing aids. a) Augmented reality   b) Cutting-edgetechnology   c) Artificial intelligence d) Assistive technology 27) ………………………………………. Is the operation system functions . a) Runs a computer’s software b) Runs a computer’s hardware   c) Open-source d) both (a) and (b) 28) The most popular mobile Oss are …………………………. . a) Android b) Apple iOS c) Both (a) and (b) d) windows 29) HTMl describes the structure of a web page consists of series of elements such as …………………… . a) Heading b) Paragraphs c) Links d) all of them 30) The function of >i < ….. >/i < is ………………..……………… . a) Largest heading b) Emphasized text c) Change text to bold d) font color 31) ………….…………………… is storing,and accessing, date programs through the internet a) Internet b) Switch c) Cloud computing d) intranet 32) The Microsoft 356 storage application is …………………………….. a) OneDrive b) word c) Excel d) PowerPoint 33) You can keep your work safety when dealing with the internet by ………………… a) Using safe web browsers  b) Using anti-virus protection on your devices   c) Keeping your personal information private d) all of them 34) Use a/an ……….…….……..to do sweep of computer and remove any viruses . a) Browser b) Operating system c) Anti-virus d) word program 35) ……………………………….computer run on macOS . a) Apple b) ibad c) Android d) windows

6th primary first term Revision(Mrs.Sahar Mohammady) 2023/2024

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