revenue (L1) - incoming money from taxes or other sources, writ of assistance (L1) - court documents allowing custom officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods, resolution (L1) - a formal expression of opinion by a group, effigies (effigy) (L1) - a mocking figure representing unpopular individual, boycott (L1) - refusal to buy items in order to show disapproval or force acceptance of one's terms, repeal (L1) - to cancel an act or law, rebellion (L2) - open defiance of authority, propaganda (L2) - ideas or information intentionally spread to help or harm a cause, committee of correspondence (L2) - an organization that spread political ideas and information through the colonies, minuteman (L3) - during revolutionary era, civilians sworn to be ready to fight with only one minutes notice, loyalist (L3) - American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence, patriot (L3) - American colonists who favored American independence , petition (L4) - a formal request, preamble (L4) - the introduction to a formal document that often tells why the document was written,

Chapter 5: The British Colonies


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