1) My dog is ........ than your cat! a) intelligent b) most intelligent c) more intelligent 2) Today isn't very hot. Yesterday was ...... a) hottest b) hotter c) more hot 3) That actor isn't very good looking. This actor is...... a) best looking b) better looking c) better 4) I'm 13.Tom's 13, too. Tom is ............ me. a) as old as b) older than c) the oldest 5) My school bag isn't very heavy. Your bag is ....... a) heavier b) more heavy c) heaviest 6) This computer isn't very fast. My dad's is a) fastest b) the fast c) faster 7) The ........... animal is the blue whale. It weighs 190,000 kilos. a) heavy b) heaviest c) heavier 8) Robert Wadlow, the ........ man, was 2.72 metres tall. a) tallest b) tall c) taller than 9) The ...... land animal is the cheetah. a) fast b) faster c) fastest 10) The ....... car is the Bugatti Veyron. It costs1,700,0000 dollars! a) expensive b) most expensive c) more expensive 11) The ......... mountain in the world is Mount Everest. a) tall b) taller than c) tallest 12) The Atacama desert is drier than the Sahara. a) The Atacama desert is not as dry as the Sahara. b) The Sahara is not as dry as the Atacama desert. c) The Sahara is not as drier as the Atacama desert. 13) Today the temperature is 5 degrees. Yesterday the temperature was 5 degrees. Today is .................yesterday. a) not as cold as b) as cold as c) not as hot as 14) Helen is 176cm. Julie is 170cm. Julie is ............. Helen. a) not as short as b) as short as c) not as tall as 15) My grandpa is 70. My grandma is 65. My grandma is ..............................................my grandpa. a) not as young as b) younger c) not as old as d) older

FF5 Comparatives and superlatives quiz

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