Adaptation  - Changing to become better suited to the environment., Polar Bears - Built for cold places with thick fat and heavy fur that help keep the heat in their bodies., Emperor Penguins - Stay warm by huddling together., Camels - Stores the water in its stomach to use on long, dry desert trips., Bats - Spend the fall chowing down on insects and storing up body fat., Hibernation - Deep sleep that lasts for weeks or months ., Conservation   - Saving energy., Migration - Traveling to warmer places when the winter comes., Evergreen Spruce Tree - Keeps its needles all year., Photo-synthesis - The process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar., Cactus - Soaks up water when a rare desert rain falls., Evaporation - The process by which a liquid turns into a gas., Creosote Bush - Puts out chemicals that keep other plants from growing nearby.,

Plants and Animal in Different Climates

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