theme - the lesson of the story, 1st person - point of view where the main character is telling the story. Key words: I, me, my, falling action - the events in the story that lead to the resolution , man vs. nature - problem with weather or wild animals , setting - where the story takes place, imagery - details the author writes to describe the scene, 2nd person - point of view where the author talks directly to the reader; key word: YOU, man vs. man - problem between 2 people, climax - the height of the action in a story, genre - type or category of writing , man vs. society - you against the world , resolution - the ending of the story; aka the happily ever after, 3rd person - point of view where the narrator writes from everyone's perspective, man vs. self - internal conflict , character - the people in the story, rising action - events in the story at the beginning that lead up to the climax,

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