1) At the ... stage of the project, we conducted thorough research to outline the key objectives. a) subtle b) initial c) defining 2) The weather was cold, ... sunny a) albeit b) and c) however 3) The virtual reality game provided an ... experience, making players feel like they were part of a different world. a) unparalleled b) anticipated c) immersive 4) The introduction of a new menu with unique flavors brought a sense of ... to the restaurant, attracting more customers. a) clutter b) barter c) novelty 5) As a ... employee, she attended the job fair to explore potential career opportunities with various companies. a) prospective b) sophisticated c) relevant 6) The team's strong collaboration was a ... factor in the success of the project. a) utopian b) sentimental c) defining 7) We purchased the office supplies in ... to take advantage of the cost savings associated with larger quantities. a) spectrum b) bulk c) auction 8) The new software has the ability to ... detailed reports automatically, saving a significant amount of time for the users. a) generate b) hoard c) chuck out 9) The artist used ... shades of blue to create a calming and peaceful atmosphere in the painting. a) insatiable b) subtle c) full-blown 10) Over the years, she managed to ... an impressive collection of rare books in her personal library. a) hoard b) accumulate c) consume 11) With determination and hard work, he was able to ... valuable skills that set him apart in his professional field. a) acquire b) collect c) accumulate 12) It's essential to be mindful of how much energy we ... from various sources. a) acquire b) collect c) consume 13) As a hobby, he loves to ... vintage stamps, carefully organizing them in albums. a) accumulate b) acquire c) collect 14) Known for his generosity, he is often considered ... when it comes to supporting charitable causes. a) a soft touch b) easy prey c) hard sell 15) Unfortunately, scam artists often target those who appear vulnerable or unsuspecting, viewing them as ... . a) easy prey b) a soft touch c) spare cash 16) On their anniversary, they decided to ... a luxurious weekend getaway to celebrate the special occasion. a) go without b) splash out on c) hang onto 17) Despite the risks, she couldn't bring herself to ... to start her own business. a) pass up the opportunity b) push the right buttons c) chuck out 18) It's always difficult to ... sentimental belongings, even when decluttering for a move. a) compromise b) part with c) get the hang of 19) His curiosity and desire for knowledge were ... , leading him to constantly seek out new learning opportunities. a) monetary b) animated c) insatiable 20) Her successful career in the male-dominated industry is ... that determination and skill know no gender boundaries. a) haggle b) targeting c) living proof

Unit 5 (5.1 - 5.70)

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