1) When giving abdominal thrusts to an adult who is choking, you should a) place your hands near the throat b) place your hands near the left side of the lower abdomen. c) put the thumb side of your fist slightly above their navel and well below the breastbone. 2) What is the first link in the adult chain of survival? a) early CPR b) rapid AED use c) recognizing the emergency 3) When you phone 911, you should a) answer all the dispatcher's questions b) tell the dispatcher to call you back c) give the dispatcher only the victim's information 4) What is a sign that an infant is not responding? a) the infant cries and blinks b) the infant does nothing when you tap and shout 5) If a child is choking, you should put 2 fingers above their navel (belly button) to give abdominal thrusts. a) True b) False 6) If an infant is still choking after you've given 5 back slaps and 5 chest thrusts, you should a) repeat back slaps and chest thrusts until the infant can breathe or stops responding b) put a finger in the infant's mouth and attempt to remove the blockage

First Aid: Medical Emergencies

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