1) complains of a) c/o b) q c) qh d) SOB 2) nothing by mouth a) POA b) SOB c) NPO d) NWB 3) twice a day a) QID b) TID c) BID d) SID 4) POA a) Person of Attorney b) Power of Attorney c) Person of Attraction d) Power of Attitude 5) prn a) as needed b) as prescribed c) as requested d) as suggested 6) Ht. a) hotel b) hospital c) height d) habit 7) BM a) benchmark b) bandmate c) bowl mood d) bowl movement 8) hs a) morning time b) mid-day c) bedtime d) break time

Medical Abbreviation

Bảng xếp hạng

Phong cách trực quan

Tùy chọn

Chuyển đổi mẫu

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