1) When ..... night has come a) The b) land c) moon d) dark e) afraid f) just 2) ......the land is dark. a) me b) light c) And d) only e) with f) fall 3) If the sky that.....look upon. a) You b) Our c) They d) We e) I f) Me 4) Just as longas you stand,.......... a) Darling b) Stand by me c) Land d) Crumble e) Tumble f) Ttouble 5) All the .......should crumble to the sea. a) Tree b) Jungle c) Flower d) Sea e) Sky f) Mountain 6) Whenever you're in ....... won't stand by me a) Trouble b) That c) Light d) Moon e) Land f) Long 7) Stand.......me a) Is b) By c) Are 8) No I ......be afraid a) Tear b) See c) Won't d) As e) Like f) Want 9) ....tumble and fall a) Whenever b) Light c) Deep d) Dark e) Should f) Stand 10) No, I won't ..........a tear a) OH b) Shed c) The d) By e) Oh f) Now

Meaning Through Music

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