Please ____ calm during the emergency situation. - keep calm, He didn't mean to ____ harm to anyone. - do harm, The concert was so loud, it _____ a noise in my ears. - made a noise, ______ in mind that practice makes perfect in learning. - Keep in mind, My uncle likes to ____ business with international companies. - do business, She will ___ a degree in nursing next year. - get a degree, They work hard to _____ money for their family. - make money, Can you ___ me a favor and pick up my dry cleaning? - do me a favor, I always ____a promise to call my mom every week. - make a promise, ____ the new employees a chance to prove themselves. - give smb a chance, I need to ____an exam to pass this course. - take an exam, Let's ___in touch after the holidays. - get in touch, It's okay to _____ a mistake as long as you learn from it. - make a mistake, After a long day at work, I need to ____ a rest. - take a rest., Could you _____ me a lift to the train station? - give me a lift, Let's _____a break and have some coffee. - take a break, I want to ____ away from the city and relax in nature. - get/run away from, She loves to ____ a picture of beautiful sunsets. - take a picture, I finally _____ rid of all the old clothes in my closet. - got rid of, The bright colors _____ attention to the artist's work. - draw attention to,

EGE collocations group 1

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