1) My mother is very angry because some paint _____ on the carpet in the living room. a) was spilling b) has been spilt c) will spill 2) The functions of the new computer programme _____ to the employers by a technician last week. a) will be explained b) explained c) were explained 3) We _____ the first birthday of our little brother next week, and the invitations _____ out to all of our family and friends yesterday. a) are celebrated / are sending b) are going to celebrate / have been sent c) are celebrating / were sent 4) The Internet _____ by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, and since then, it _____ by people all around the world. a) will be invented / must use b) was inventing / will be used c) was invented / has been used 5) Before its movie _____, the final book of the Harry Potter book series _____. a) release / had been published b) has been released / is published c) releases / will be published 6) Coffee, which _____ heavily all around the world now, _____ to America by the British in the mid-1600s. a) consumes / introduced b) is consumed / was introduced c) is consuming / had been introduced

8, ex. 7, p. 86

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