Christianity (10 total): Founder: Jesus, Peter, Paul, Date: 30 CE, Place of Origin: Jerusalem, , Holy Book: Bible - Old and New Testament, Place of Worship: Church, Cathedral, God: One God (monotheistic) - God, Lord, Believe that Jesus is the son of God sent to show humans how to live, Day of worship is Sunday, Believe if one lives a good life there is life life after death, Islam (11 total): Founder: Mohammed, Date: 610 CE, Place of Origin: Mecca, Medina, , Holy Book: Quran, Place of Worship: Mosque, God: One God (monotheistic) - Allah, One God, 5 Pillars, Believe in life after death, No day of worship, but mean attend prayer on Fridays, Mostly found in the Middle East, Europe, North Africa, Indonesia, and Pakistan, Buddhism (11 total): Founder: Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha or enlightened one), Date: 500 BCE, Place of Origin: India, , Holy Book: Theravada, Mahayana, Place of Worship: Stupa, Pagoda, God: No one god, Leader is the Dalai Lama, Focus on spiritual enlightenment, Seek a perfect and peaceful state called “Nirvana”, Reincarnation,

Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism

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