In the fast-paced world of business, competition is fierce and both businesses and employees must constantly strive to ____. Companies are always vying (/vaɪ/ = compete) to corner the market in their respective industries, seeking to establish themselves as the go-to choice for consumers. To succeed in this environment, employees are expected to ____, pushing themselves beyond their limits to deliver exceptional results. It's not enough to simply meet expectations; one must consistently ____, remaining vigilant and focused on the task at hand. Innovation is key and businesses must continually ____ to stay relevant. They must encourage their employees to ____, to come up with fresh ideas and creative solutions. However, standing out in a crowded marketplace requires more than just innovation—it requires the ability to blow competitors ____. Companies must constantly strive to outperform their rivals, leaving them trailing (= to be losing to your competitor in a competition). In this competitive landscape, both businesses and employees must be willing to adapt, evolve, and push themselves to new heights.



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