freezing cold, snowy, boiling hot, sunny, windy, rainy, chilly, foggy, warm, cloudy, sightseeing, sights, sunbathing, local dishes, shopping for souvenirs, snow-capped mountain, flea market, crafts, grab a snack, go on a tour around the city, route, success, half-price, expensive, match the colour of the eyes, wear, high heels, trainers, trousers, skirt, tie, skyscraper, shopping mall, get tired of, food court, serve variety of dishes, roller coaster, sea creature, anything else, here you are, here's your change, stalls, market, second-hand furniture, at bargain prices, get lost, follow the map, fried insects, delicacy, delicious, choose from, put on, put off, traditional, include, scrambled eggs, serve, watch a parade, fireworks display, [aint their faces, sure, why not, I'd rather not, low temperature, survive, plants, last, exist without water, dry climate, reach, drop.

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