A group of people who lived to the north of Rome. - The Etruscans, They were advanced artists, builders and sailors. - The Etruscans, The Etruscans introduced: - A writing system,a strong military tradition,Paving streets and arches and bridges. , A government without kings or emperors is: - A republic, The republic in Ancient Rome had: - A senate and a citizens’ assembly, The assembly was divided into two groups: - The Patricians and the Plebeians, Noble, rich and made the majority of the Roman Society? - The Patricians, They led the goverment and elected in the Assembly? - two consuls, Serve in the Senate and pass the law? - 300 wealthy men, Could overturn the act of any public official that was unjust to any citizen - A tribune, Had 12 tables - The Roman Law, The Roman Government is considered as: - A Representative Democracy, Made the largest force in Italy - The Roman Army, Wars between Rome and Carthage called: - The Punic wars, Rome's first emperor was - Augustus, A time of peace and stability This lasted for about 200 years. - Pax Romana, Helped to unify the empire - The Roman Law, Made trade easier - The use of coins, What is Tributes? - A type of taxation, The mixture of greek and roman culture adopted by Rome - Greco-Roman Culture, Could not vote or participate in politics - Roman Women, 1/3 of the people in Rome were? - Slaves, The Roman Empires declined because: - The army weakened and depended on Mercenaries, soldiers hired to fight for any nation without regard to political interests. - Mercenaries, Diocletian divided the Empire into two: - Constantinople to the West, Byzantine to the East, Was the First Roman Emperor - Augustus, Was the last Roman Emperor - Justinian , The Constantinople was named after him - Constantine,

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