The Iron Curtain - phrase first used by Churchill to describe the cutting off of Eastern Europe under Soviet domination, containment - US foreign policy aimed at preventing the further spread of Communism, Marshall plan - generous economic aid package from USA to post ww2 Europe, Harry Truman - US President at the start of the Cold War, Truman doctrine - US foreign policy that committed US to helped any country trying to prevent takeover by Communists, 1948 - when the Berlin blockade began, Operation Vittels - codename of US airlift to supply West Berlin during the blockade, 1949 - when NATO was formed, Warsaw Pact - military alliance between USSR and its satellite states in Eastern Europe, 1950 - year the Korean War began, Mao Zedong - leader of Communist China, Seoul - capital of South Korea, Douglas MacArthur - American general in the Korean War, 38 - line of latitude that was used to partition the Korean peninsula, Fidel Castro - President of Cuba, 1962 - year of the Cuban missile crisis, Turkey - US agreed to remove missiles from here to help resolve the Cuban missile crisis, Nikita Khrushchev - Soviet leader during the Cuban missile crisis, John F Kennedy - US President during the Cuban missile crisis, Vietcong - communist guerrilla fighters in Vietnam, Ho chi Minh - leader of communist North Vietnam, Saigon - capital of south Vietnam, Hanoi - capital of North Vietnam, 1973 - When American troops withdrew from South Vietnam, 1975 - when Vietnam was unified , solidarity - Polish trade union movement that sought reform of Communism, Mikhail Gorbachev - last leader of the Soviet Union, glasnost - Soviet reform of communism, means openness, perestroika - economic reforms to try fix economic problems in 1980s Soviet Union, 1989 - year that the Berlin wall fell,

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