Is it true that 'maintain' is a synonyms to words 'keep', 'remain', 'be steady' - yes , Is it true that 'affect' is a noun? - No, to affect sth, but an effect, Is it true that when we revert to sth, we start doing things in a new way? - no, go back to the old one, Is it true that when people are in favour of sth, they are have hostile attitude to it? - no, vice versa , Is it true that receptive people welcome new ideas with open arms? - yes, Is it true that our transactional history can tell us about our online purchases?  - true, I dare you to explain what 'data breach' means - a situation in which private information can be seen by somebody who is not allowed to see it, I dare you to explain the difference between 'resist' and 'prevent' - when we prevent, we try not to let even happen, I dare you to unscramble the word and make a sentence with it: ntpelimem  - implement , I dare you to continue the statement to amke it true for you: ''I am ambivalent about...'' - your ideas:), I dare you to pronounce and explain the meaning: guidance  - /ˈɡaɪdns/, I dare you to explain why companies need to analyse demographics  - your ideas:), Is it true that a data-driven decision is based on information and logic? - true, I dare you to ask a question with 'offer perks' - -, I dare you to name some examples when companies need to encrypt data - -, I dare you to share some ways companies can target their users - -, I dare you to name things we can 'monitor' - info, changes, records, trends, sales, progress, situation, etc, I dare you to give synonyms to 'abuse trust' - betray, let down, sell out,

BR BR Revision 10-12 Voc

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