What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city?, How important is it to learn a foreign language?, What role do computers play in your daily life?, How can technology affect the workplace in the future?, What are the benefits of having public gardens and parks?, What impact does tourism have on a country?, How do you think education will change in the next 50 years?, What are the benefits of playing team sports?, How important is it for people to have hobbies?, What are the differences between traditional and modern buildings?, How do films and books compare as sources of entertainment?, How has transportation changed in your country over the last decade?, What effects do global sporting events have on the host countries?, How can parents ensure their children lead healthy lives?, What are the consequences of urban sprawl?, What are the qualities of a good leader?, How important is customer service for businesses today?, How do environmental issues affect global politics?, What is the impact of online shopping on local markets?, What are the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning?, What are the challenges of renewable energy implementation?, How can societies encourage more sustainable living?.



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