make progress - move forward in one's work or activity, make a suggestion - put forward an idea or plan for someone to think about, make sense - be intelligible, justifiable, or practicable, make a choice - the act of choosing, make an appointment - schedule a meeting with someone, take part - join in an activity; be involved, take place - occur, take a risk - to do something that may result in loss, failure, take your time - not hurry, take responsibility - blame yourself for something; to acknowledge a fault., raise issues - bring up for consideration or debate, raise money - work to earn money or encourage donations for the benefit of someone, something, or doing something, raise your voice - speak loudly especially because one is angry, raise children - the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood,

Advantage 2 - unit 3 - vocabulary revision - pg. 40 no. 6

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