Mike finally succeeded… passing his TOEFL exam. - in, His view differ considerably… those of his parents. - from, This year we have decided… Spain for our holiday. - On, A football team consists… 11 players. - of, You must concentrate… English grammar . - on , Your happiness depends only … you. - on , She kept insisting… her innocence. - on, To stop the argument they decided… a compromise. - on, Helen prides herself… being a good teacher. - on, He persisted … working at his experiment. - in, Unfortunately, we can’t rely … him to support us. - on, He persisted… his refusal to admit responsibility. - in, Thank you for reminding me … the meeting. - about , It didn’t occur … me to mention it. - to, We hope … a change in the weather. - for, Tax and service are included… the bill. - in, Mike’s colleagues congratulated him … his new appointment. - on, If you drive a car in a fog, you are asking… trouble. - for, How many people belong… this club ? - to, I differ … your opinion on the matter. - from, They involved Nick… their criminal business. - in, The queen objected… her son’s marriage. - to, You can’t rely … Sam as he never keeps his promises. - on, Dickens’ books have been translated… many languages. - into, I object… being spoken to like that. - to, Are you accusing him … dishonesty? - of, The rain prevented him … coming. - from, Electricity and gas bills are not included… the rent. - in, This song reminds me … my childhood. - of, I’m not going out yet. I’m waiting … the rain to stop. - for , You’d better lock the wheels of the car to prevent it … being stolen. - from, Our team is involved… Arctic exploration. - in, Mary had the skill to cope… a difficult job. - with, His father’s point of view differs … his in some respects. - from, It never occurred… us that he hadn’t been invited. - to, I don’t approve… cosmetic surgery. - of, She has been waiting … him for two hours. - for, I look … … meeting Helen at the conference in Honolulu. - forward to, Ann persisted … her opinion. - in, J. K. Rowling succeed… writing books about Harry Potter. - in, Paul became increasingly involved… politics. - in, He insisted… coming back. - on, Our company concentrates … computer programs production. - on, The red dress belongs … my sister. - To, Do you believe… ghosts. - in, I prefer the reader … Chapter 3. - to, The police accused him … the crime. - of, Peter’s mother didn’t approve… his marriage to Mary. - of, There is a girl at the door asking … Sam. - for, Last winter Sue suffered… the flue 3 times. - from ,

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