1) What type of ecosystem is this? a) Forest b) Pond c) grassland  2) Choose the non-living organism. a) b) c) 3) The struggle among organisms for water, food, or other resources a) resource b) ecosystem c) competition 4) The living and nonliving things that interact in an environment a) resource b) ecosystem c) prey 5) Animals eat or hunt other animals? a) prey b) animal c) predator d) plant 6) A material or object that a living thing uses to survive a) ecosystem b) resources c) plants d) Predator 7) Choose the living organism a) b) c) 8) examples of the resources a) water b) food c) soil d) All of them 9) What type of ecosystem is this? a) forest b) desert c) ocean 10) Animals get hunted and eaten by another animal a) plant b) prey c) predator  11) who is the predator ? a) lion b) zebra 12) who is the prey? a) bear b) fish



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