我特别喜欢旅行。 - I especially like travelling., 我们家每年都去旅行。 - Our family goes travelling every (single) year., 我们家每年都去旅行一两次。 - Our family goes travelling once or twice every year., 十二月的假期,我们去了法国。 - (In the) December holidays, we went to France., 十二月放假的时候,我们一家回到韩国。 - During the school holidays in December, our whole family returned to South Korea., 十二月放假的时候,我们一家回到韩国看亲戚朋友。 - During the school holidays in December, our whole family returned to South Korea to visit friends and (extended) family., 放暑假 - (fàng shǔ jià) to have summer holidays, 放暑假的时候,我们家去了印度。 - During the summer holidays, our family went to India., 打算去旅行 - (dǎ suàn qù lǚ xíng) intend to go for a vacation, 这个暑假,我们家打算去悉尼旅行。 - This summer holiday, our family intends to go for a vacation in Sydney., 飞机上有厕所。 - There is toilet on the plane., 又快又方便 - (yòu kuài yòu fāng biàn) both fast and convenient, 坐飞机又快又方便。 - Taking the plane is both fast and convenient., 坐飞机很舒服。 - It is comfortable to take the plane rides., 过山车 - (guò shān chē) rollercoaster, 玩过山车 - (wán guò shān chē) to play the rollercoaster, 环球影城 - (huán qiú yǐng chéng) Universal Studios, 我会带朋友去环球影城。 - I will bring my friend to Universal Studios., 我会带朋友去环球影城玩过山车。 - I will bring my friend to Universal Studios to play/ride rollercoaster.,

78.4.3 Sample Sentences for Speaking Prep

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