relation - a person who is related to someone by blood or marriage, relationship - any connection between people by kinship or marriage, friendship - a close relationship between two or more people characterized by trust, loyalty, and support, motherhood - the state of being a mother to a child or children, fatherhood - the state of being a father to a child or children, relative - a family member who is related to us by blood or marriage, marriage - the formal and legal relationship between two people who are married, unmarried - not having a legal or official romantic partner, engaged - having formally agreed to marry someone, separated - not living with one's spouse or partner anymore, bride - a woman who is about to be married or has recently been married, groom - a man who is getting married, spouse - a male or female partner in a marriage, single parent - a person who raises a child or children without a partner, only child - a person who has no siblings, family tree - a chart, showing the relationship between all the members of a family over a long period of time, mother/father-in-law - someone who is the mother/father of a person's wife or husband, generation - a group of people belonging to a particular age group or time period partaking in a certain activity, to abandon - to leave someone with no intention of returning, to bring up/ to raise - to look after a child until they reach maturity, to cheat - to be sexually unfaithful to one's partner by engaging in romantic or intimate activities with someone else, to leave - to abandon one's wife, husband, or partner with no plan of returning, to separate - to end the relationship or live apart from a partner, close - sharing a strong and intimate bond, related - being connected through family ties or marriage, love at first sight - an immediate and intense romantic attraction that one feels upon seeing someone for the first time,

Family and Relations B1

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