Jedi Master Yoda leads a group of clone ____ on a mission to negotiate with King Katuunko of Toydaria. The Separatists, ____ by Asajj Ventress, also seek an ____ with the king. Yoda and the clones encounter droid ____ along the way but manage to ____ them using Yoda's ____ and the clones' bravery. Despite Ventress's attempts to sway King Katuunko, Yoda's ____ approach wins the king's trust. The episode highlights Yoda's leadership ____, the ____ of the clone troopers, and the ____ of diplomacy in times of conflict. Jedi Master Yoda and his ____ troopers go to Toydaria to talk to King Katuunko. They meet Asajj Ventress, who leads the Separatist ____ army. Yoda, using his ____ and the Force, ____ the droids by hiding and using the ____ to surprise them. He ____ skillfully, inspiring the clone troopers to fight ____. Despite Ventress trying to ____ King Katuunko to join the Separatists, Yoda's peaceful ____ wins over the king. This episode shows Yoda's smart tactics, his ____ in tough situations, and how he brings people together for peace.

Clone Wars "Ambush"

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